Michael Friis

Producer, Soundtrack-composer. Have played with: Sebastian, Lis Sørensen, Culpeper, Anima, Monrad & Rislund, Paul Banks, Kasper Winding, Led Zeppelin Jam etc.

“I have four Mørch-basses, two of which are 5-strings, one with and one without frets, totaly handmade by Johnny Mørch, and suited exactly to my needs. The pick-ups and the brilliant active/passive preamp gives me all the possibilities I want. But the best thing is that the neutral- positions are precisely the sound I like the most. Actually, I have often in the studios not used the mixer, but gone directly to the tape. It doesn’t get any better than that. Furthermore, it is terrific, when something anyway have to be adjusted, lacquered/painted or an idea have to be tested, one can go directly to “Daddy” in person.”